Usually Facebook marketplace unexpected error occurs whenever the user clicks on a product. Solving marketplace errors can seem to be difficult at first, but can be solved in some easy ways. There is no guide that covers every possible error on all e-commerce marketplaces including Facebook marketplace. Here we are discussing some common marketplace errors including Facebook marketplace unexpected error.
Steps to solve Facebook marketplace error
Divide your errors into smaller groups: normally marketplace errors are present under Sell. Go to Marketplace and click on Listings. But this may take time to view all at once. If you have numerous errors, the large volume can be frustrating. From the top of your screen, choose from two different views i.e. “By Product” or “Errors & Messages.” By select Errors & messages you will be able to see items clustered by error type. Now you will come to know that if you have many items with a given error or there are only few. This way you can determine easily what errors have to be addressed first.
Divide the type of error: SKUs may have two statuses in the error view. The status can either be Item or Sync status or the Listing status on the marketplace. Most of the sellers review the items in former category. The items that are listed first are the most critical items.
In case, your item is listed to the marketplace but has an error, it means that the item is not updated one. If these errors are left unaddressed, they can lead to some serious issues. If the items are not properly categorized in listing, you will miss out on all kinds of product search results.
Solve easier errors first: try to identify which errors are easy to fix. Address those first. Once you start addressing errors at the individual SKU level, do it with the top-selling items first. Make sure, those are listed first. You can then continue with your less popular items.
Make the use of business rules: taking the help of business rules, you can transform the data into a marketplace needs. These rules even remove invalid characters and HTML. They limit fields to each marketplace’s allowed number of characters.
Leverage lookup lists: if you are comfortable with lookup lists, things will be easier for you. You can map your fields according to marketplace requirements. You can easily create a list of values for a given field. It can be further mapped to the values that are allowed by various marketplaces. Each marketplace has its own unique requirements for these, and you don’t want to waste time creating a new attribute for each one.
Take the help of default values sparingly: if the field mapped by you is blank, you can use the option to send a default value. This feature is very useful for fields that have highly consistent values.
Identify the source of error: understanding the reason what causes the unexpected error helps you in solving the issue in easy steps. There are some errors that come directly from Channel Advisor, and other errors come from the marketplace.
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